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5 Things Caused by Hypothyroidism You May Mistake for Something Else

Hormones are chemicals that travel in your blood and control all of the essential functions in your body. A number of glands in your body produce them. Your thyroid is a gland that produces essential hormones that affect how you grow and how your body processes food.

Samuel I. Fink, MD, is a dedicated, compassionate physician in Tarzana, California, who’s experienced in diagnosing and treating thyroid problems. Dr. Fink understands how confusing and distressing hypothyroidism can be, and he offers you treatment options that address your symptoms and allow you to get back to your life. 

What is hypothyroidism?

Sometimes the thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones, a condition known as hypothyroidism. It can also produce too much of these hormones, which is called hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism both cause a number of bothersome symptoms that can easily be mistaken for other conditions. 

Hypothyroidism is a common condition that affects nearly 5% of the US population over 12 years of age. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with hypothyroidism than men. 

5 things caused by hypothyroidism you may mistake for something else

The symptoms of hypothyroidism can be easy to misunderstand, and you may attribute them to some other condition or illness. Here are five to watch out for:

Weight gain

If you’ve gained a significant amount of weight recently, the first things you might do to drop those pounds are go on a diet and increase your exercise. However, hypothyroidism can also cause weight gain because the drop in hormones impacts your body’s ability to process food. 


Although most people occasionally feel down, depression is more severe and sticks around for a longer period of time. While you may seek therapy and antidepressants to control your depression, it could be caused by hypothyroidism.


If you develop a sore throat, you might conclude that you have allergies or have caught a cold, and focus on taking lots of vitamin C and consuming plenty of soup. However, throat problems can sometimes be caused by hypothyroidism.

Sleeping problems

If you’re experiencing difficulty sleeping, you may think it’s due to drinking too much caffeine, not exercising enough, or another problem. However, the hormonal decreases caused by hypothyroidism can cause you to have trouble sleeping. 

Joint and muscle pain

If you are experiencing pain in your joints or muscles, you may wonder if you are developing arthritis or if you have injured yourself. Hypothyroidism causes your metabolism to slow down, which can result in swelling that may give you some aches and pains in your joints or muscles.

Hypothyroidism can cause a number of symptoms, and how people experience hypothyroidism varies widely. Only an examination and testing by a medical doctor can confirm if your symptoms are being caused by hypothyroidism. 

To set up an appointment with Dr. Fink, call our office or use our convenient online scheduling tool

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