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The Link Between Being Overweight and Hypertension

The Link Between Being Overweight and Hypertension

Your weight can have a profound influence on your health. Carrying too much or too little weight has negative consequences. However, it’s less common for people in the United States to struggle with being underweight. 

More than 70% of US adults are overweight or obese, and it contributes to issues such as hypertension, or high blood pressure, a condition that silently damages your body without causing symptoms. 

Striving to offer the best internal medicine in Tarzana, California, Dr. Samuel I. Fink works closely with patients who struggle with hypertension and excess weight. He helps them get their health back on track, and this includes managing high blood pressure as well as achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. 

The biological connection

Excess weight can lead to an increase in blood volume and pressure, which strains your heart and blood vessels. Over time, this increased pressure can lead to hypertension. 

The fat tissue in your body requires oxygen and nutrients to survive. A greater volume of fat requires the blood vessels to circulate more blood to the tissue, increasing the workload on the heart.

The role of insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is extremely common in people who are overweight, and it’s interconnected with hypertension. When your body's cells become resistant to insulin, they can't easily absorb glucose from your blood. This inefficiency can lead to higher levels of insulin in the bloodstream as the body tries to compensate for the resistance.

The increase in insulin has several effects on your body, one of which is causing your kidneys to retain more sodium and water. This retention increases the volume of fluid in your body, thereby elevating your blood pressure. It's one of the many ways being overweight can indirectly contribute to hypertension.

Lifestyle factors

Lifestyle plays a significant role in hypertension. Often, being overweight coincides with a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy dietary habits. These include a high intake of sodium, unhealthy fats, and simple carbohydrates, all of which can negatively affect blood pressure.

Dr. Fink emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity to his patients. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help maintain a healthy weight and lower blood pressure. 

Additionally, regular physical activity not only helps control weight but also strengthens the heart and reduces stress, contributing to lower blood pressure.

The power of weight loss

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of weight loss, especially when dealing with health conditions like hypertension. However, research has shown that even modest weight loss can have significant impacts on reducing blood pressure levels. Dr. Fink regularly encourages his patients, reminding them that every step toward a healthier weight is a step toward better health.

Furthermore, weight loss isn't just about lowering the numbers on the scale. It's about improving your overall health and quality of life. The journey might be challenging, but the benefits are significant. 

With weight loss, you're not only likely to see improvements in your blood pressure, but also in other areas: increased energy, better sleep, improved mood, and a lower risk of other health conditions. Dr. Fink firmly believes in empowering his patients on their journey to better health through weight loss and lifestyle changes.

Prevention and treatment

Preventing hypertension begins with maintaining a healthy weight or losing weight if you're overweight. This often involves a combination of regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and potentially medication. Dr. Fink works with each patient to develop a personalized prevention and treatment plan.

The link between being overweight and hypertension is clear, but so is the pathway to better health. With the guidance of compassionate primary care physicians like Dr. Fink, you can navigate the challenges of weight loss and blood pressure control, improving your health and quality of life. 

To jump-start your journey to improved health, schedule a visit with Dr. Fink today by calling 818-609-0700.

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