Why It's So Important to Stay Active With Arthritis

Among the essential elements of treating your arthritis are getting up and staying in motion. This can be tough when your joints feel stiff and painful. However, the more active you are, the better you will feel in the long run.
Samuel I. Fink, MD, FACP and his team focus on helping patients treat their arthritis, so they can continue to live happy and full lives. They stress that moderate “joint-friendly” activity is a beneficial component of long-term arthritis management.
Ease arthritic pain
It can be tough to get motivated to move when your joints ache from arthritis pain. However, gentle exercise can help reduce the pain you experience and thereby improve your quality of life.
By reducing the pain you experience, your mood will also improve. This will help you enjoy life and improve your relationships with friends and family.
Reduce inflammation
Inflammation is an immune system function and is the body’s way of healing itself. But too much or chronic inflammation can lead to disease. It can also make your arthritis pain worse.
Just 20 minutes of moderate activity can lead to a reduction in inflammation. This will allow you to move more freely.
Maintain range of motion
Doing activities such as yoga and stretching can help joints stay flexible. It’s flexibility that allows you to continue doing activities like household chores and hobbies with your full range of motion.
This flexibility will also help prevent you from getting injured. If you happen to move wrong or take a fall, your body will be able to react. If your joints are stiff, you risk a strain or tear.
Delay onset of worsening symptoms
When you stay active, you can delay the onset of worsening symptoms and arthritic-related disability. As you exercise, you strengthen your muscles around your joints. This protects them from future wear-and-tear by stabilizing them.
Manage other contributing conditions
Exercise will help more than just arthritis; it will help manage any other chronic conditions you may have. This could include obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
If you are overweight, exercise helps you lose weight, which will reduce the stress on your joints. Less stress means your joints will feel better, and you’ll be able to move more easily.
Exercise also improves your blood flow. This benefits your joints by improving the blood flow to them. It also helps keep your heart healthy.
Stay S.M.A.R.T.
It is important that the exercises you do are joint-friendly and muscle strengthening. This will provide the greatest benefit without the risk of causing more pain through injury
- Start slow and low
- Modify your activities
- Activities should be “joint-friendly”
- Recognize safe ways to stay active
- Talk to your doctor about what you can and cannot do
It can take six to eight weeks for your body to adjust to your new physical activity. So start low and slow with the activity you choose. Modify your activities as you go so that you continue to do joint-friendly activities that are compatible with the progression of your arthritis.
Talk with your doctor to create an exercise plan that is suited for your abilities. Dr. Fink helps his patients by giving them a clear understanding of their arthritis. This way, you can help them create an exercise plan that addresses their individual needs.
Improve your quality of life
If you have arthritis, it is important that you continue to move your joints. Gentle activity alternated with rest is essential for maintaining functionality and comfort.
Dr. Fink and his knowledgeable team at Samuel I. Fink, M.D. Inc. can perform diagnostic imaging to get a complete assessment of your arthritis. They then work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan.
Request an appointment today, and let us help you treat and manage your joint pain and stiffness.
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